The thought struck me tonight of how much I love putting on my soft, comfy pajamas. A lot of the clothes I wear (and I don't think I'm alone here!) are pretty uncomfortable, and at the very least restrictive. So why don't we wear what is the most comfortable all of the time, and not just while we sleep? There are so many advantages inherent in this system it's unbelievable!
  • This could be the basis of a classless society. One of the many functions that apparel has served the human race for the thousands of years of civilization is as a means of establishing a social order. Clothing is an outward reflection of one's means and status in society, from Abercrombie and Fitch in high school to Armani suits later on, clothing is one way of saying "I'm better than you are." Even for a person who doesn't pay attention to that kind of stuff (or just thinks that they don't), it still is there subconsciously.

    Yes, even in a pajama-based society there will be couture pajamas, at least for a little while, but then people will realize that paying thousands of dollars for designer sleepwear is ridiculous when they can be just as comfortable in flannel from Wal-mart.

  • It would virtually eliminate sizing woes. You've read many nodes about the sad state of women's dress sizes, but how many times have you heard women saying, "Do these flannel PJs make my butt look big?" Have you ever spent hours trying on different pairs of pajama pants? I didn't think so. You find a size that roughly describes your physique, grab them, and go. Shopping is quick, easy, and painless. Men should find this concept especially inviting. :)
  • It just makes sense, dammit! Think about it, why do humans wear clothes? For protection from the elements and for protection for our delicate flesh from outside forces. Climate control makes the first purpose unnecessary in most situations as we dash from heated building to heated car and back again (and coats are acceptable in a pajama-less society I've decided), and the fact that many people work behind a desk and aren't out mining and pillaging small villages renders the second purpose of clothing obsolete.

    So why not run around naked, you ask? Well, that's another possibility, but the pajamas will be more acceptable to the oft-touted Moral Majority while still maintaining the ideal of comfort at all times, and face it, there's a lot of people out there that you don't want to see naked.

Is it just a matter of time before people start thinking of comfort over conformity and choose pajamas over a suit and tie? Probably not, conformity usually wins. :( But in a perfect world...