an amazing comic book by frank miller and geof darrow.

nixon, a robot built to believe he's human and either a tax collector or claims adjuster, runs around the city destroying the enemies of a big, evil corporation. he gets messed up - his skin gets torn off, his metal parts stick out at odd angles - he's taken back to the corporate headquarters and refurbished, then dropped off in the care of other robots disguised as his family and pet. repeat.

'last year's model,' who has rebelled against the corporation, tries to convince him of the truth, aided by a robot on the inside. unfortunately, she sexually harasses him and he ends up killing her.

the plot is more or less unremarkable - it lacks the grit and development of miller's sin city books. it's the graphics that make the comic awesome. the detail is achingly precise. cars crash on the freeway and the exact damage to each vehicle is clear to the eye, though there are between twenty and fifty vehicles drawn on the page. the robots are warring in a street choked with citizens, and each figure has a unique expression, outfit, posture.

on the whole, it kicks ass.