Neurotically Yours - A
flash animation series
Jonathan Ian Mathers of
Ill Will Press
This series follows the non-adventures of Germaine
goth chick and her pet
Tastefully done (no
nudity, though
suggestive in places), this series mostly involves
Foamy the Squirrel
ranting about his peeve of the
day, while Germaine, his owner, tries her best to
ignore Foamy and write
bad poetry.
The remainder of this writeup contains a complete
episode guide, up to 06/12/2003, updated as IWP
releases new episodes. Note that several of the
episodes below (such as those labelled "
do not appear as part of the "official" Neurotically Yours
series, though they come from IWP and include the same
characters as the rest of the series. These no longer
appear on the IWP website, though the reader may still
view them at
Newgrounds, or any of a number of flash
collection sites on the web.
Distractions (12/28/2002?) - Foamy makes a
general nuisance of himself while Germaine types.
No words.
Pen of Doom (12/28/2002?) - Germaine annoys
a library patron (to death) with a clicky-pen.
No words.
Innuendo Stare Down (01/04/2003)
(interactive) - Germaine
fellates a
lollipop while
staring down the viewer.
will lose. No words.
Shower of Terror (01/06/2003) - Germaine
does a variation on the
Scream bathing
scene, with the obvious "surprise" ending. Poor
rubber duckie. No words.
Cemetery Flakes (01/14/2003) - Germaine
catches up on her
stargazing while lying in a
graveyard. Foamy speaks for the first time, and
practices a little amatuer
Squirrel Pulpy Fiction Thing (01/15/2003)
(interactive) - Foamy speaks articulately for the
first time, encouraging the viewer to "rough
[Germaine] up" a tad,
a la a scene
Pulp Fiction.
Foamy Thoughts (01/17/2003) - Foamy talks
nonstop while Germaine types and ignores him. We
learn the location of Germaine's parents.
Maid of Horror (01/24/2003)
(interactive) - Germaine the
french maid provides
fan service" with a (predictable) twist. No words.
Squirrel Talk (01/31/2003) - Foamy rants while
Germaine drinks a
latte in a
coffee shop.
We learn Foamy's name for the first time (in the episode,
not counting the title of "Foamy Thoughts").
Almost Serious Suicide (02/07/2003) - Germaine
contemplates suicide while Foamy taunts her. Foamy
sings for the first time (poorly, but far catchier
than one might imagine). "Ah Boom boom booooom,
ba-dooooom, booboom!".
Coffee Stop (02/14/2003?) - Strange guy at a
coffee shop hits on Germaine. She kills him. Foamy
babbles. First speaking role other than Foamy (not
The Lollipop (02/23/2003?) - Germaine saves
a lollipop from impending doom. No words.
A Postal Event (02/28/2003) - Germaine waits
in line to mail a package while Foamy annoys the other
people in line with her. Foamy sings (not much).
Club Advice (03/14/2003) - Germaine sits at a
table in the back of a club, writing poetry, while Foamy
rants about the how pathetic her life seems.
Foamy Fan Mail (03/28/2003) - Foamy replies
to five
emails from fans. Foamy rants about horny
fanboys. "Your Lord and Master, Foamy".
A Musical view (04/11/2003) - Foamy rants
Metallica while Germaine listens to music.
Hypnotic Foamy (04/24/2003) - Germaine reads
while Foamy tries to
hypnotize her. Germaine speaks
for the first time.
A Poetic Meal (05/08/2003) - Germaine orders
fast food in a slightly unconventional manner. Another
disposeable character speaks. "Meat... In a breaded
5 More Minutes (05/22/2003) - Foamy wants a
bagel at 4:15am. With the
cheese, the cheesy
creamy cheesy, cheesy cheesy.
Germaine wants to sleep for another five minutes.
Beware the Squirrelly wrath.
Form Letter (06/04/2003) - Germaine responds to
a form
rejection letter from a potential publisher of
her poetry. We finally learn Germaine's name.
Foamy Fan Mail 2: Postage Due (06/12/2003) - Foamy
replies to five more letters from fans, including more
ranting about horny fanboys, and much to our delight,
Foamy sings for us once again.