I could not take my eyes off of her, this I recall with great clarity. Perhaps that is the only thing that I can truly know for certain. Her raven hair half shielded her eyes, mysterious. Her skin glistened white as the full moon. She danced with the ferocity and litheness of a tiger, hips undulating and muscles rippling to the rhythm of the drums. I was desirous of this wild creature. All others in the crowded room faded into the background once I caught sight of her. There was no one else but her.

Her movements drew her closer into my sphere. My senses tingled, the blood coursed through my veins. This woman was raw energy, electrifying me as no other had before. I meant to have her. She did not resist as I moved with her onto the dance floor. I let her hands flow over and around me, barely touching. She let my hands move along the curves of her spine and the turn of her hips. Pale blue eyes looked into my own. Beyond here, I am no longer certain of any truths. Dreamlike, mesmerized. I felt her hunger. I smelled her desire. I could scarely contain my elation, so sure I was of victory.

Later, with the sweat still clinging to our bodies, I led her into the night, destination; my place. She practically purred with delight. Taking her elbow, I sped up the pace.

When she pulled me into the darkened alley, away from prying street lights, I was surprised at her strength. It was unexpected. Her pupils had subtley changed, expanding. She was no longer looking at me with heat, but with something else. Power? She pushed me hard against the brick wall. My desire blended with the first inklings of doubt.

This time, as her eyes locked onto mine, I became paralyzed. My heart pounded harder. My veins matched accordingly, pulsing stronger and faster with each heartbeat. The skin throbbed where the blood tried to force itself quicker through its tightening space. It was a beacon. Her gaze shifted slightly as her long pale fingers crept up my chest, easily pulling aside my shirt. I was both excited and apprehensive.

Her nostrils flared slightly as she drew closer. Her cool tongue darting out to trace the path of her determined fingers along my skin. I could not breathe. I could not move. She traced her nails across my neck, slightly etching a line. That stripe proved to be too much for her. I could only watch in fascinated horror as her ruby lips parted in that predatory smile. I had been fooled into thinking I was in charge. In fact, I was lost.

It was both ecstasy and agony. Then there was nothing, as it all faded to black.