left work early yesterday to go to the doctor. i was in terrible stomach pain, but the doc can't tell why. he is going to schedule me for more tests. woke up this morning in pain again (it had gone away yesterday afternoon). am still in pain. this sucks royally.

but i won't focus on the crap. this morning the sky was gorge...

okay so back to what i was saying... when i took cozmo for his morning walk, the sky was gorgeous, dark dusky purple and bright pink. the dark clouds against the rising sun made a tremendous contrast.

last night i worked on doing a plaster mold of my face. they didn't turn out as detailed as i had hoped, certainly not detailed enough to be casted. however it's not a total loss, i now have two neat plaster molds of my face, and although they won't work as i had originally hoped, they will be turned into other projects. i like them because looking at them is like looking at me, mummified. so here's the scoop on what i learned during my face molding endeavour:
  1. if you want to make a rough facial form suitable for a mask, use plastered gauze bandages, available at some craft stores or at medical supply houses.
  2. if you want a detailed facial form (a lifecast) either buy a kit specifically for lifecasting or find somewhere to buy alginate (a prosthetic grade molding material).
  3. you can do it yourself without help (i did last night) but if you're casting your face it can get quite claustrophobic, as you won't be able to see. it's best to work with someone.
  4. trust what others have learned from experience -- cover your face with petroleum jelly paying particular attention to your eyelashes and eyebrows. well, unless you really want them to stick to the inside of the mold. which really really hurts, by the way. i used petroleum jelly, but not enough. i think i lost half my eyebrows.
i will be recieving some alginate soon to give a more detailed result, and i'll write about my experience with that after.

until then, i'm working on what neat things i can do with two rough plaster molds of my face.