broke a thumbnail really bad last night. i keep my nails manicured, and the silk wrap really meant my nail didn't want to break. but when it did, it broke good. it bled nicely. so i took decided (probably stupidly) to remove the silkwrap from my nails so as to avoid any other severe breaks like this one. I doubt I did it at all properly, and the result is my nails are all very short, paper thin, and peeling like an i don't know what. grrr. the pain will go away shortly, but it's weird having short nails again.

last night i decided to take my poor unidentified cactus and assume it was a columnar cactus which i would survive propagation through stem cutting. many columnar cacti can, including those from the genus i believe my cactus to be (echniposis). so i sterilized a sharp knife and cut the healthy top off that badboy. In a few days the cut should callous and I will put the cutting into nice fresh cactus soil. We'll see if it grows. i hope so.
more later...