Deep in backwoods Wisconsin, a sprawling complex of scrap metal art created by an ex-salvager's alter ego beams from the roadside just outside Prairie du Sac. The centrepiece of the collection is the 320-ton Forevertron, an anachronistic device 50 feet tall intended to catapult the fictional Dr. Evermor into Heaven on a beam of electromagnetic energy. Two dynamos manufactured by Thomas Edison in 1882 and pieces of the Apollo lunar decontamination chamber are amongst the historical salvage welded into the esoteric contraption. Numerous other creations resolutely loom amongst the copses of trees and twisting paths of the Forevertron complex.

Dr. Evermor is in fact Tom Every, who owned and operated a scrapyard and salvage business up until 1983, when control of the company was passed on to his son Troy. Despite never having accrued any artistic training, Every was creatively driven to adopt a Victorian-era facade and begin to weld scrap on and around the site of a demolished schoolhouse. Through two decades of work he has fabricated a wild zoo of gigantic metallic creatures and whimsical musical instruments, with the Forevertron as the star attraction. Far from capitalizing on the site's growing notoriety, no signs or explanations are provided to visitors of the site, though Tom Every seems only too happy to discuss the story of the good Doctor's exploits with the sorts of media representatives interested in this curious roadside fantasy world.
