This guide only applies to
paper bags, and some stores have special things that I don't have here.
When in doubt, ask the checker, they should know what they're doing.
Step 0: Separate
groceries into
Step 1:
Ask customer if they would like paper or plastic bags. Alternately, ask them "Plastic or Paper?" and
watch their faces.
Step 2: Put
Squares into corners of bags, and up against bag walls, to help
the bags keep their shape.
Step 3: Put
Unbreakables in between the squares, to give the bag a
base. Make sure you aren't
being dumb and counting glass as an unbreakable without thinking about it.
See, for our purposes, glass IS unbreakable, So long as it's in the center of the bag, and there are no 2 pieces of
glass touching. The clinking is what damages them the most. So, if you are going to have 2 glass items in the same bag, put one in a mini bag inside of the larger bag. If you have a
zillion glass items, get a box and put 'em all in it,
and disregard the rest of this node.
Step 4: Put
Squishies, Breakables, and Eggs on top of everything.
Step 5: Set bag gently in cart. Make sure handles are Up.
Step 6: Get new bag. Put
Produce in layers, with apples,
zucchini and such on the bottom, bell peppers and such in
the middle, and lettuce and tomatoes on the top of it all.
Step 7: Ask the customer if they would like their
meats in a separate plastic bag. If so, place
meats in separate plastic bag.
Step 8: Put
Frozen's into
freezer bags, and place with other cold items.
Step 9: Put
breakables onto
Squishies,and push them in to the bag a bit, so they won't fall out. Disregard #9 if
breakables will damage the
Step 10: Put all
Large Groceries into the cart. Don't worry about bagging them. Each one is one bag, just save bags and don't bag 'em.
Step 11: Put all items that are
toxic in bags that are separate to all other bags.
Oddly enough, put all soap in these bags with the toxics... Apparently soap leaves a really
nappy taste on all produce, just by being in the same bag...
start at the beginning again until your
mind numbing shift is over.
For even MORE dividing, you need to
segment your categories even more...
All groceries (for bagging) can be divided into these categories:
Meat By this I am talking of all cuts, and burger typed things. Not individually wrapped items, or plastic wrapped items, such as hot-dogs, or snack ham in packages.
Produce This can be subdivided into:
Hard Produce: Apples, Corn, Potatoes
Soft Produce: Plums, Peaches, Tomatoes
Separate Produce: Pumpkins,
Really Fucking Huge Zucchini, that kinda thing
Glass This is pretty self explanatory. This is any product in
Glass Packaging.
Squishies All products that would be hurt by having things put on top of them (such as
potato chips,
bread, some
cheeses.) that don't need to be packaged separately (like cake).
Uncrushables Cans, Plastic bottles, Jugs 'o stuff. Invincible groceries.
Squares All products that are naturally square, or pre-packaged in square containers. Some examples being small milks, Rice-A-Roni type things, and mini-pizzas.
Frozen All products that are kept in Freezer instead of Fridge or are stored at room temperature, excepting Ice Cream.
Breakables All items that you have to be freakishly careful with, such as glasses, or eggs.
Nonbaggables/seperates All products that you cannot bag with other products, due to danger or size. Examples including cake, Borax, hot foods, large pet-food bags.
You want to be
bagging as quickly as possible as well, so make sure you use both hands
taking items from rest, and putting 'em in bags.
Some stores also want you to work more than one cashier, so after every customer, check
registers near you that have cashiers and no baggers. If someone is
unloading a LOT of groceries and you have
low flow on your cashier, change to the high flow register...