So, the twins turn 47 today. Happy birthday, girls! You don't look a day over 46. I still have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I was just 19 when you were born. We were so poor. But we all survived together. And it was good, really good. Things were much simpler then. Not necessarily better, just... simpler. Do you remember making all of the decorations for the tree at Christmas from old Holiday cards? Stringing popcorn and fresh cranberries to drape on the branches? The smell of the wood fire and your mom's fresh bread baking? I do.

We had to work hard but, even with all that hard work, we still managed to spend quality time together. Reading stories or just talking. I look forward to the family all getting together this weekend for some quality time. I missed that last year.

This new development, the upcoming appearance on an international show featuring the shark bite incident, has had me thinking about the good old days even more than usual. I know it wasn't always easy, but I find myself missing the simplicity of the way things were back then. We have to figure out how we can spend more time, quality time, together! I know it sounds cliché, and I know it is challenging but, hey, I'm not getting any younger and, apparently, neither are you.

The above may make more sense if you also read this.