We are bipeds.
Except those of us who can't walk at all, and are thus quadwheels (in this century in the West) or zeropeds (made-up word) (in the past / in poor countries).

This has afforded us the ability to move more freely within our enviroment and have a more dominant presence. A biped design has a more versatile affininty for movement.
Except that monkeys are much better at climbing trees(without tools). Dolphins are better at swimming, cheetahs can run faster, etc. If you define "our environment" as "the parts of Earth where humans can easily dominate," then we're deep in the land of tautology.

In other words, unlike other mammals, humans have been able to engage in a variety of activities other than just using our extremities for survival; i.e., eating, defending, running, climbing, etc. We have been able to make tools and alter our environment. This has been made possible by delegating locomotion to the lower extremy and delegating manipulation to the upper extremity.
Lots of animals make and use tools. Beavers build dams. Seagulls use rocks to crush shells. Beavers also alter their environment. And other animals do to.

At this point in my response (having not even read the entire original write-up), I have some questions:
  1. What does this have to do with health?
  2. Why is this philosophy so superficial?

And now back to your regularly scheduled deconstruction:

Bipedalism provides an increased physical awareness of the environment through enhanced visual, auditory, and tactile perception of our surroundings.
Dogs can smell better, hawks can see better, and cats can hear better. I don't know what can feel more effectively, but I bet flies or octupuses or something can.

We are mentally reflective. We can consciously reflect upon oureselves, therefore, our psychological attitude guides our mode of action in and perception of the world.
Do you know what a cat is thinking? Can you know? Sub-sections A and B must have been garbled in transmission. Please tell me that a human did not write this.

The positive attitude associated with human posture and the biomechanical integrity of human frame can only be maintained through harmonious physical and mental balance.

Provide evidence, not proclaimations.

You'll never see an animal admiring the scenary because that would mean lowering their chances of survival. No, it would mean *raising* their chances - that's why we humans do it. If you look hard at the world around you, you'll pick up stuff that less perceptive members of your species might miss, like that snake that's about to bite you. Now, maybe a leopard is under the impression that it's just admiring the world around it - the same idea we seem to have. But the *evolutionary* purpose of that appreciation of nature is to make you look around so that falling tree (watch out!) doesn't kill you.

I think this is a big problem with the above stuff, and in general: people thing evolution is straight-forward thing. It's not; it's twisty. Any change that's helps people's genes propagate stays, those that don't matter spread at random, and those that hurt die out. Changes don't happen in order to help, they just happen, and happen to help. So, there's an evolutionary advantage to enjoying good poetry: When you recite it, the MOTAS go crazy for you :). Twisty.