Smalls is also in danger. I spoke (while waiting at the front of the line for an hour) with the owner/manager of the club, whose name escapes me now. He told me that he has a 14-year lease on the building (basement) that he has turned into Smalls. He got the lease ten years ago. He's been having trouble making payments, due to the fact that there is live music at Smalls seven nights a week, but most people only crowd there from Thursday to Saturday nights. If he can't make payments on time, the man who owns the building won't renew the lease. Even though there's a long line there until about one am, after that the line drops off, but the music goes all night. He has to pay both rent and the bands that play all that time, but it's hard to get people in there all night. I request on his behalf that anyone who at all enjoys jazz visit there whenever you can, especially on weekdays (i know it's hard to swing-get it? ugh...). All you noders who plan to visit NYC soon, let me know, and I'll gladly take you any night you're here. Thanks.