Today I learned that the two terrorists that were caught last week were to car bombing a building that is next to my parents’ house.

Me and my family in the news? Randomness and chaos, a big city, and important building, some sonofabitch damn band of basque bomb kiddies that let their guns think for them and kaboom.

By the way, I have just remembered this has already happened! Not in the same place, but very near of the building that they wanted to bomb last week. I was a child, when I heard the explosion I ran to the main street, when I finally arrived to the corner there were still falling pieces of everything in fire...

Saddest thing is that this is nothing new...

Notice: I don't give a fuck if the police has said that they were to bomb this building (the main mail office in Barcelona) just to impress us. The terrorists were caught with the bomb, in a car, driving close to that building (and there are lots of other government buildings in that zone, for that matter).
I am sick of being terrorized.