. Enjoy!
1. Thou shalt not turn down a smoke. This is a definitive rule to live by. (Unless very good reason like driving, working, etc..)
2. The person who rolls the joint (no matter whose pot it is) lights it up and gets the first hit, unless it is a big group and someone always gets left with the roach, next time give them the first toke.
3. If someone rolls a nice joint, and if it is appropriate, give them a compliment.
4. It is never cool to bogart the bowl, even if it IS your weed.
5. If someone is too uncoordinated to light the bowl, they must relinquish the bowl to a more capable person.
6. When it is your turn, take a hit and pass it on. Don't sit there and keep people waiting for a hit while you chat.
7. If you smoke with someone in your house, you should let them eat some of the food you have lying around. Munchies happen, don't be cheap with your food.
8. If someone does offer you food, don't pig out on it. They had to buy it and most people have better uses for their money. (Like buying more pot).
9. If someone asks for a sip of your drink, you should give them one. (Cotton mouth is no fun).
10. Converse of the above, if you ask for a sip, don't take a large gulp and leave them without.
11. If smoking a joint don't duck-ass the J. (Don't put it in your mouth and get it all sopping wet.)
12. If smoking from a bong and there's not enough in the bowl for another hit, you should save the smoke for the next person. Don't vent the carb and take it for yourself.
13. NEVER, REPEAT NEVER bitch about someone's pot being no good. If you don't like it, don't smoke it!
14. If a friend gets you high, return the favor. It's good karma.
15. If you buy weed from a friend or a friend of a friend, it is polite to smoke some with them, to show you are not the 'old bill' etc...
16. If a person passes on one round, do not assume they are passing on the next.
17. It is very impolite to hand someone an empty bowl without, at least, notifying them of its status.
18. The person who fills the bowl gets first hits. It doesn't matter whose bowl it is.
19. Always thank a person who gets you high. ALWAYS!! It makes it all worthwhile for the person who got you like that.
20. If you are smoking with two other people and are in the middle, you don't get a hit every time the joint passes you. Be fair.
21. When using a bong, don't dribble down the tube.
22. Again, when using the bong, don't blow out the ashes.
23. Never go to someone's house expecting them to smoke you out.
24. If you spill the bong, then you clean it up. (Don't forget to refill the water/ice).
25. Do not be a bogart!