Well, last weekend I was down to New Orleans, Louisiana, to meet up with Templeton and Byzantine. My very first meeting with other noders, and my very first meeting with people that I had met online. Despite the oddly coincidental appearance immediately after my arrival of enough plastic sheeting to "wrap a body in" (to paraphrase Templeton), I was not reduced to easily fondueable cubes in the manner that one of my friends expected.

"I'm going down to New Orleans to meet up with some of the people from that Everything2 website I'm on all the time."
"You mean the cult."
"No, no, website."
"No. You mean the cult. You'll be dead by Sunday."

Some notes on the trip:

By the way Templeton, in thinking about it, in terms of structural building analysis, an open condition is an exterior or interior portal blocked by a door, skylight, air conditioner or any other post-installation obstruction that may, under unusual seismic or wind conditions may be torn out and thus must be treated as an opening or portal. Whether or not the precepts of metal building analysis can be made to jive with Sri Lanki mysticism is uncertain - given that you seem to lack the natural defenses to devils Byzantine discussed on the way to the Mississippi, you may want to check any Virginia prospects against the first rule of sinhalese architecture.