It's the only soap I've showered with since the late 1980s. The peppermint leaves you all invigorated and tingly--the only catch is not to leave the soap on your sensitive areas for too long. There are also Almond, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and Aloe Vera baby versions of the soap.

The soap was made the same way for nearly 50 years, but recently the formulation was changed, most notably replacing jojoba oil with hemp oil.

The best place to buy it in my opinion are natural foods stores, and if you buy it in bulk or by the gallon it's not that expensive, really.

Now you can go to to find out all about the stuff. Here's what they say about the Peppermint soap:

Dr. Bronner's PEPPERMINT Pure-Castile Soap is our most popular variety. The peppermint essential oil creates an exhilarating chilly-tingly-cool body space. Because therapeutically peppermint oil is a mild stimulant, it increases vitality and clarity, enabling constructive-selfish Peppermint-Castile users to work hard and get done! then sing-dance-play until we're All-One! Naturally, morning peppermint power showers lead to a fulfilling life of service and fun! Exceptions Eternally? Absolute None!