Wow, I just realized something today. I was doing my random node voting when I saw the statistics node and it said I have 400 exp. I proceed to the Exp Points page and see that I should be level 4 by now. shit... I'm still level 2 with 22 more writeups to go. I'm going to need 103 more writeups before I have to start worrying about exp again. In a way thats pretty cool, but then again, with the way I've been noding lately, that seems like an eternity.

Also this week, I experienced a first that everyone looks forward to when they start playing the dating game. Yes fellas, I'm referring to the first kiss. It was great, me and my girl were watching Shrek and during the last part of the movie when Shrek bursts into the wedding, and he kisses her (Sorry if i've spoiled the movie for anyone). We both looked at each other and we kept getting closer until our lips met and the best night of my life began to happen. Then (ironically) the house lights came on and someone yelled "Hey ya'll get a fuckin room"... Me and my girl quit and looked at each other and both told the guy to fuck off.