Well its time to start your engines in Bristol, TN today.

We are now the 2nd largest city in the state, and the most densely populated city in the state. Another lesser known fact, we also hold the record for the most densely populated drunks in a city, and most rebel flags in a city :)

Everyone loves when the races come to town, especially when you get work stories like Psych Fire and Emergency Room Drunk. But other than that, you have all the drunk women standing on the side of the road flashing everyone, the huge number of beer trucks running on the interstate, the cops on the side of the road not giving a damn, and god knows what other alcohol-induced enjoyment will happen.

Seeing the race to the campgrounds reminded me of something I saw on TLC. It reminded me of the time they filmed all the Christians flocking to Jerusalem for easter, just as the rednecks flock to Bristol for their religious holiday... The Night Race.