The Nowhere Man was also a character in The Beatles' movie Yellow Submarine. The Beatles meet a character Jeremy Hillary Boob PhD. He's blue, has a long nose and clown makeup, and talks all learned diction.

In Yellow Submarine, the director and writer said in the documentaries surrounding the film that Jeremy the boob (aka Nowhere Man) was to be an amusing take on the modern pseudo-intellectual.

Indeed, you see him talking in rhymes, sort of like Underdog and spouts off a lot of learned drivel. There are no holes in his education.

"Synthesis, antithesis, for quid pro quo. So little time, so much to know."

Then again, I could be wrong, people have been decyphering the character for over 30 years. The character and the movie are described as an open-ened rohrshcach. Personally I imagined him as being a hitchhiker with a beard, not as something out of The Phantom Tollbooth.

Next time I see p_i in the chatterbox, I'll have to ask him what he thinks of this hoopy frood.