British writer 1840-1928. Wrote both poetry and prose, often centred in his native Wessex.

All but his first two novels were serialised in magazines prior to book publication. Indeed, (near) simultaneous serialisation occurred in separate markets - e.g. London and New York - for each work from "A Pair of Blue Eye"' to "Tess of the d'Urberville". The complete list, with date of book publication and principal (UK) serialisation is as follows:

The "moral outrage" surrounding "Jude the Obscure" prompted Hardy to stop writing novels.

Nevertheless, he did not withdraw altogether, continuing to write in other forms, he produced a number of volumes of poetry, including "drama in verse", short stories and one play.

His initial career was as an architect, which took him to London. He returned to Dorset after five years, much of this part of his architectural work involving restoration of churches.