Modeled after the Animal Liberation Front, The Earth Liberation Front is an international underground movement consisting of autonomous groups of people who carry out direct action according to the ELF guidelines:

1.To inflict economic damage on those profitting from the destruction and exploitation of the natural environment.

2.To reveal and educate the public on the atrocities committed against the earth and all species that populate it.

3.To take all necessary precautions against harming any animal, human and non-human.

They are trying to save the planet using property living creature has ever been hurt as a result of the ELF. the ELF believes that legal approaches to saving the earth have failed, and we need a more radical way to stop the destruction of our land. Any direct action to halt the destruction of the environment and adhering to the strict nonviolence guidelines can be considered an ELF action. There is no way to contact the ELF in your area. It is up to each committed person to take responsibility for stopping the exploitation of the natural world. No longer can it be assumed that someone else is going to do it. If not you who, if not now when?