"Each One Teach One" is an adult literacy teaching method conceived by Frank Laubach (1884 -1970). His methods are credited with teaching well over 60 million people to read. He traveled to undeveloped countries with no written language. After learning to speak the native language, he wrote it down, then taught one class to read and write their own language. Each member of the class was asked to teach someone else, and their students were asked to do the same, until the whole country was literate. From 1930 to 1970 he traveled to 103 countries, developing primers in 312 languages. His methods are still used today in volunteer adult literacy programs utilizing one on one mentoring.

The words "Each One Teach One" have been usurped by many other "causes". The slogan is used by groups as diverse as "Sew America", St. Louis HIV Risk Reduction Study, Pennsylvania Society of Physician Assistants.

I think the words "Each One Teach One" are very relevant to mother to mother suppport groups such as La Leche League International as well.