Bodyperks were featured today in the Washington Post. It must be a slow news week as they have obviously been around some time since they were written about here in Sept of 2000.

They are a silicone nipple areolar complex, not jut a fake nipple. They need to be worn inside a bra or a tight shirt in order to stay in place. Apparently "nipples are in", thanks Jennifer.

Flaccid nipples that can't erect do exist. They may be simply totally flat or they simply be "short". Nipples may also not stand out because they are inverted. Surgical correction is possible for inverted nipples but may cut through ducts, reducing the chances of successful breastfeeding in the future. Another technique exists to enhance the growth of a short nipple or to pull out an inverted nipple. It is called a "nipplette" and it uses the tried and true plastic surgery principle of slow and constant stretching in order to cause growth. Devices called nipple shields also exist that are held over the nipple/areolar complex during breastfeeding to make the shape of the nipple more obvious to the infant. If used the "fix" can cause its own set of problems and is best used with the support of a lactation consultant. Almost any mother can breastfeed with flat or short nipples with minimal difficulties without using a shield. One just needs to learn the correct way to present the breast to the baby for that circumstance. Inverted nipples present more of a challenge but it is usually still possible to breastfeed successfully with them. In addition to the above devices and techniques mothers with inverted nipples may employ other techniques and devices to pull her nipple out (gently) prior to breastfeeding. The Nipple Evert-It, the Pigeon Nipple Puller and various breastpumps as well as jerry-rigged inverted syringes may be used for this purpose.

Breastfeeding women are isolated and harassed for nursing in public somewhat frequently in the US. Bodyperks point up our scizoid attitude about breasts. There is a web page with American and European sections. The European section of the website being much more demonstrative of the actual product in use. I guess it is all just a bit too much for Americans...

Lions, and Tigers and nipples, oh my...