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Three lies about the sky (idea)
See all of Three lies about the sky
, there are 14 more in this node.
Sat Nov 16 2013 at 15:33:35
one lie
was no big deal, not even
the next day. Didn't you read
all about it
two lies
Neil deGrasse Tyson
talks with his elegant hands
as if he himself conducts the symphony
of the
sky happenings
three lies about the sky
Your sky might be different than mine
but we can all love the same stars,
although tomorrow night, that whimsical moon
will obscure the
There are no lies in the cool grey light of dawn.
Oh, You
You're not a good person. You know that, right? Good people don't end up here.
Three truths about the sky
Three complaints about restraints
no more bitter. i am full.
Perfectly Spherical Cow
New York City: What my Mother Told Me
Lana del Rey
nothing true can be said in a single sentence, and anything said in three is a lie
An Incomplete List of Untrue Facts
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Sky god, how long til the night?
Rayleigh Scattering
Why is the sky blue?
Poem for an Unknown Daughter
Fifteen words about love
You like me in all the wrong rooms
A short tall tale about The Queen of England
Will the Circle Be Unbroken?
It's only love: at the end of the day, there are still thunderstorms and sunsets
How might a star taste?