It's true. No general election has ever been decided by one vote. Nor even Florida elections.
The problem is that people think if everyone thought like that, there'd be no democracy. This may be the case; however, this shouldn't affect my individual decision on whether to vote. My choice doesn't affect anyone else's decision to vote - that's a case of magical thinking. Forget any meaningless notions of duty. My not voting will not make others not vote. My vote will not decide the election. (Or at least, it is very unlikely to do so). So it's not worth the effort it takes for me to walk to the polling station and mark the ballot paper.
One could say that I have no right to complain about what the government does if I didn't vote. But hang on: if I voted for the opposition, do I have the right to complain? Yes. I didn't ask for this government. And if I voted for the side that got in? Yes, if I don't like what they are doing. I am not deciding their policies. What difference does it make whether I voted for or against them, or whether I voted at all? What do we mean by a right to complain?