It's times like these that I wish Dman was still here. He has much more fluidity in Asian matters and in writing than I do. However, I think this is worth mentioning and explicating for Non-Asians.

Almost all Asian-cultures are very respect-oriented. One very obvious example is familial nomenclature in Asian languages. For example, I am the elder brother of my family and I may call my younger brother by his name, but he's not allowed (because of respect) to call me by my name, he must always address me as "older brother." This goes the same for sisters, uncles, aunts and the rest. Familial nomenclature is quite complicated in the Chinese culture actually. This is true for Korean and Japanese as well.

There is also the unconditional respect that young'uns must offer to their elders. The addressing and inclusion of non-family members as family members like "auntie", "uncle" or even "grandfather." For example, if I were at my friend's (who happens to be Chinese) and he introduced me to his mom, I'd call her "aunt" (in Chinese or English) even though she has no affiliation to my family. It's a matter of respect and politeness.

If you are in Martial arts, there is a branching system. There is an intricate hierarchy for the naming of grand masters, masters, co-masters and students. This is regardless of age however. My brother is in his teens and a forty year old has to address him by "Si-Hing" which is like "older brother" in Chinese Martial arts, because my brother is higher in the Martial arts hierarchy.

This respect is of course traditional. Nowadays, it is still very apparent, but deteriorating. It may seem illogical and sometimes insulting to a Non-Asian, but it's culture. At times, I've found it hard to respect somebody I either dislike or hate, but as I've grown older, I realized that respect is is a way to dissipate hatred. It's a hard thing to do, but noble.