Happy Birthday to those who have Birthdays to you (notably slim and dizzy if no one else).

I sit here at the library computer lab once again. I've just finished my CISY (Computer Information Systems class. It is 9:48 AM. I have a French class at noon and I did not do the homework yesterday...ugh. Well I'm gonna do it now. In addition, I have a Biology quiz that I'm studying for now (I'm actually typing up some of the key terms here.

Guess what? She's here again, but she's sitting a bit farther this time:

The Computer Lab:

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Hehe. I'm pathetic. BTW, I noticed how stalker was linked on my last daylog. I find that rather humourous. Anyways, the myst today is incredible. When I left home this morning, it felt like I was in some Fantasy book (possibly The Mists of Avalon, although I've never read the book, only seen the cover). It was nice, as if witches secluded in those giant clouds were brewing chaos.

Ah...she left. Bolted right out the door.

Time for me to go back to work...