We "big" girls have a problem when underwear shopping, too...

You go into a lingerie shop, lured by the beautiful pink and blue lacy numbers in the window, or the black g-string and matching bra set.

You find the stand that holds the underwear of your dreams- if I wore that, you think, I'd be invincible; I'd have power over guys, who would sense my sassiness and gather around me buying me drinks... I'd buy clothes to go with the underwear because my old clothes just wouldn't do justice to such a wonder of underwire and shimmery material...

You look through the stand, once, twice, and with a sinking feeling, get the shop assistant's attention.

"No, that only goes to a 12C. We have the white or black in that size..."

Enter the huge, parachute shaped 12-hooked wonders that look as though they've been designed to hang off the clothesline and be a nest for lazy pelicans.

If you're not the "perfect" size, you're non-existent in the heady world of fashion.