When eating out at a restaurant where the cheap disposable chopsticks are provided, you can construct a chopstick stand from the paper wrapper like this:
1) Fold the wrapper into even thirds. First fold the left side in, the fold the right side in, or vice versa, so that the outer thirds overlap. The horizontal length of the wrapper should now be one third of what it was to begin with.
|        :          :         |
:        |
2) Now fold the wrapper in half so that the vertical length is half of what it was.
3) This is the tricky part: stand the wrapper up so that the peak formed by the last fold sticks up in the air. Push in the outside corners (those formed by the peak and the two sides of the fold you made in step 2) so that the peak is perpendicular to the crease of what used to be the peak, what used to be the short ends are inside the structure and parallel to the bottom, with new folds at 45 degree angles from the bottom.

|/______\|         -- push in

/_______\   pushed in (final)