KANJI: DEN (electricity)

ASCII Art Representation:

       ,              %%%%               ,,
      ,%              %%%%               %%%%,
   ,%%%%        ,,    %%%%         ,,    %%%%%"
  %%%%%  ,,,,,,%%%%,  %%%%  ,,,,,,%%%%,  %%%"
 %%%%%"   """"""""""  %%%%   """""""""" %%%
 "%%%"          ,,    %%%%         ,,   %"
         ,,,,,,%%%%,  %%%%  ,,,,,,%%%%, "
          """"""""""  %%%%   """"""""""
      %%,,                          ,%%,
      %%%%           %%%%           %%%%
      %%%%           %%%%           %%%%
      %%%%           %%%%           %%%%
      %%%%           %%%%           %%%%     ,
      %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%     %
      "%%"           %%%%           "%%"    %%%
                     %%%%,                 %%%%%

Character Etymology:

The character for raincloud, combined with , a Chinese character carrying the phonetic meaning "extend"; hence, "that which extends from a raincloud," meaning lightening, and by extension, electricity.

A Listing of All On-Yomi and Kun-Yomi Readings:

on-yomi: DEN
kun-yomi: none

Nanori Readings:


English Definitions:

  1. DEN: electricity

Character Index Numbers:

New Nelson: 6526
Henshall: 180

Unicode Encoded Version:

Unicode Encoded Compound Examples:

(denkou): lightning
(denshi): electron
(denbun): telegram
(densou): fax

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