On July 4, 1998, Glasgow University archaeologists excavating the eastern terraces of Tintagel island in southwest England discovered a slate fragment bearing the inscription, "Pater Coliavificit Artognov," which Professor Charles Thomas of Exeter University translated as "Artognou, father of a descendant of Coll, has had this built." The script as well as pottery and glass fragments found at the same layer are consistent with a Dark Age dating. It would seem natural to try to associate this mysterious "Artognou" with King Arthur, especially considering that Tintagel is Arthur’s alleged birthplace, and indeed the media immediately christened the fragment "The Arthur Stone." But scholars remain unconvinced, as there is no other evidence to associate the inscription with Arthur other than the passing resemblance in names. The find is nevertheless important, as it suggests that we may not yet have all the available evidence regarding a historical King Arthur, if he existed.