Ok, I'm not a chef. I don't do well with things that require exact measurements, exact timings, or exact much of anything. However, I like fish. I also cook for one, and don't like leftovers. This is a recipe I've found that fits it my nature well. Its only problem: cooking time - one hour can be a long wait.



  1. preheat oven to 300F
  2. place salmon on aluminum foil on cookie sheet. This makes it much easier to clean up.
  3. lightly brush/drip/dribble the sauce on the fish. It will be hard to put too much on.
  4. cook for 1h. Every 15 minutes remove, and add more sauce to the fish.


  1. The sauce has many possible variations according to how you want the fish to taste.
  2. A rice dish can be used to stretch out the meat for cooking for more than one carnivore.
  3. The possibility of marinating the fish prior to cooking it has occurred to me, yet I haven't had the inspiration to do that yet.
  4. A nice glass of wine complements the dish well.