In the classic DOS game Starflight II: Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula, Black Lightning are flying masses of destructive energy which exist on certain planets. They are nearly mindless, remote-controlled agents of the entity called Uhl.
They are the only creatures in the game represented with the 'flying lifeform' sprite. They are also nearly an order of magnitude more dangerous than any other lifeform, able to kill any crewmember save an Android in a single strike. Being equipped with the Terrain Vehicle Lifeform Shield only marginally improves the odds. Black Lightning is also exceedingly fast and aggressive, and is immune to the Terrain Vehicle's weapons. The best thing to do if you spot one is to get FAR, FAR away, as fast as possible. Escaping to a trade center or your starship is preferable, but just putting two or three screenfuls of distance between you and the Lightning is generally enough.
That said, they are VERY persistent - I once ran across one, and ran several screens away. Thinking myself safe, I left the keyboard for a few minutes to grab a 7-up, and when I returned, the Lightning had found me again and reduced half my crew, including the doctor, to charred outlines on the wall. Suffice it to say, I ran like a frightened schoolgirl and didn't stop until I was once again safely behind the class 5 shields of my heavy cruiser, then gimped back to starport to hire on a new CO, doctor and engineer.