It is easy with you
All the places you've been offended
Where you haven't been treated right
A bike shop
Food co-op
Coffee shops

It's easy to hide my physical body
Where you can't find me

But what of my mind and heart

You always feel it when I go

I go to the Beloved
I give up
I cast myself into the abyss
Grief, denial, loss, bargaining, abandonment, hopeless grief
I throw myself over the cliff
Over and over
I resist
And then let go

It's not wings
Because the cliff is a waterfall
I don't want wings
And the Beloved laughs

Wings form
I refuse to fly
I won't I won't I won't
I fall towards the water

Each time I wonder
If this time the Beloved will not shift
I hit the water

Safe again
Scales and tail
And I can breathe

And swim free
To the sea