Gunmetal Grey

I get to start again

I have always seen the monsters under the bed
I have to
to survive

you don't tell people about their monsters

I learn that early

they get angry hit punish send away
and anyhow they leave you even if they love you

when I am alone
we play
the monsters and I

they are so happy to be seen

they cry often
why doesn't he love me?
why won't she hold me?
why does he throw me out?

I hold them
dry their tears
cuddle them
wrap them warmly

they cheer up
and play

they never forget
they alert
their person is near
they rush back

sometimes one rejected
returns with seven friends
hoping to storm the person

that doesn't work

the monsters never lose hope

sometimes I see
a person see their monster
let it be conscious
the person is grown enough
to love

I am so used to the monsters
I work with them in clinic
visit after visit
the monsters weeping on my lap
while the person refuses refuses refuses
and sometimes a crack opens
like a portal light blinding
and the monster
is loved

that's why I am here
what makes it worth staying

now I think
I am new again
it's hard to date
when the monsters are yanking at my skirt
crying howling distracting
and I am hopeful
but it is not my role
it's not ok
it's antisocial
to ask about the monsters

I am new again
I won't date anyone with monsters
that I can see

they must love them first