No, I love writing.

Today I am a collection of cells, not a writer per se.

So, speaking hypothetically, if you were a scientist, say an MD or a PhD, let's say you started dreaming about earthquakes. Now then, let's say you babble about it around town and someone tells you that other people are having earthquake premonitions. And let's say maybe that all the little hairs on your arms stand up. The muscles that do that are the pilaris muscles. And then you dream of an earthquake again two days later within 15 minutes of the first dream.

Hypothetically speaking, how do you warn the left brain people?

'Course, emailing the local newspaper at 2 am to ask if we just had an earthquake is not effective.

If you saw your doctor buying 8 gallons of spring water and a lot of dried food at the grocery store, would you imitate them? Or would you have their head examined?