blues, Beloved

I am so blue, Beloved
about the things I can't heal
about the people I can't heal
about the relationships I can't heal

I take my own advice
and walk after clinic
and the beauty of your sky, Beloved
heals me
lifts me

I am with the trees
the sky
the dirt
the clouds
the water

water water water
blue in the evening light

we only see the surface
of the water
not what is underneath
it reflects the sky
the light
the clouds

people are like water

we only see the surface
and see ourselves reflected back

my office manager came from hotels

this is so much harder, she says

and I say yes
because we see the depths

this person is behaving badly
yelling on the phone
calling crying yelling

but we both know
how much they are suffering
how much they want help
how they won't listen or accept help

they want what they want

these people are breaking down
in the holidays stressed

I just long for rest Beloved


blue water