The 924 Gilman street project has to be the best run venue in America.

Membership regulations

Entrance to the venue requires membership in the project, meaning that one must join for two dollars and is provided with a membership card. After joining the club, a standard members entrance fee of five dollars is paid. One's first show at the Gilman costs seven dollars, but the subsequent shows always cost five.

The kids

Becuase of the cheap entrance dues and sense of community created by the membership system, the kids at the Gilman are the best supporters of 'their scene' than any other group I've ever been a part of. These kids will show up to every show, giving every band coming through the venue a chance to play for a large group of potential supporters.

The policies

The Gilman founders laid out in the rules of membership that no drinking, drug use, vandalism, violence or liotering in and around the venue will be permitted. However, the Gilman is one of the few indoor concert halls in California that is allowing cigarette smoking after The State's recent ban on smoking in bars, etc. Once, the membership card included a violent dancing regulation, but violent dancing is just in the nature of these damn punks and regulating it was never really enforced. The loitering clause is a thank you measure extended to the Gilman's community. By not allowing the punk rock proles to hangout and cause trouble outside the venue, the Gilman Street Project is keeping the property value of the area from dropping to low, in exchange for the Berkeley community's continued kindness for allowing the venue to remain in light of noise complaints, etc.

The bands

Top notch punk staples and up-and-comings share the Gilman as one. It's always rocking...

Punk Rock fans rejoice!