Euchre Scoring using cards

The cards:

To keep score with cards in Euchre you typically take the two and three of one suit. Only one person on a team will keep score. In tournament play I would suggest using paper since Arabic numbers are less likely to be confusing.

(note: These are not to scale)

Two Spades      Three Spades    Back of Card
+-----------+   +-----------+   +-----------+
|2   S      |   |3   S      |   |...........|
|           |   |           |   |...........|
|           |   |           |   |...........|
|           |   |    S      |   |...........|
|           |   |           |   |...........|
|           |   |           |   |...........|
|     S    2|   |    S     3|   |...........|
+-----------+   +-----------+   +-----------+

0 points

Both cards are face down on top of each other.


1 point

Two card is face down covering the two of the suit symbols on the three card. All cards are vertical.

|3   S      |
|           |

2 points

Two card is face down covering the one of the suit symbols on the three card. All cards are vertical. (left)


The three card is placed face down and the two card is placed face up on top of it. Both cards are vertical. (right)

+-----------+     +-----------+
|3   S      |     |2    S     |
|           |     |           |
|           |     |           |
|    S      |     |           |
|           |     |           |
+-----------+     |           |
|...........|     |     S    2|
|...........|     +-----------+

3 points

Two card is face up on top of the three, covering two of the suit symbols on the three card. All cards are vertical. (left)


The two card is placed face down and the three card is placed face up on top of it. Both cards are vertical. (right)

+-----------+     +-----------+
|3   S      |     |3    S     |
|           |     |           |
+-----------+     |           |
|2   S      |     |     S     |
|           |     |           |
|           |     |           |
|           |     |     S    3|
|    S     2|     +-----------+

4 points

Two card is face up on top of the three, covering one of the suit symbols on the three card. All cards are vertical.

|3   S      |
|           |
|           |
|    S      |
|2   S      |
|           |
|           |
|           |
|    S     2|

5 points

Both cards are face down. A card is placed horizontally on top of a vertical card.


6 points

The three card is placed in the vertical position face up and the two card is placed face down across it to cover two of the suit symbols.

    |3    S     |
    |           |

7 points

The three card is placed in the vertical position face up and the two card is placed face down across it to cover one of the suit symbols. (on left)


The three card is placed face down horizontally and the two card is placed vertically face up on top of it. (right)

    +-----------+            +-----------+
    |3    S     |            |2    S     |
    |           |            |           |
    |           |        +---|           |---+
    |     S     |        |...|           |...|
+-------------------+    |...|           |...|
|...................|    |...|           |...|
|...................|    |...|           |...|
|...................|    |...|           |...|
|...................|    +---|     S    2|---+
|...................|        +-----------+

8 points

The three card is placed in the vertical position face up and the two card is placed face up across it to cover two of the suit symbols. (left)


The two card is placed face down horizontally and the three card is placed vertically face up on top of it. (right)

    +-----------+            +-----------+
    |3    S     |            |3    S     |
    |           |        +---|           |---+
+-------------------+    |...|           |...|
|                  2|    |...|           |...|
|                   |    |...|     S     |...|
|S                 S|    |...|           |...|
|                   |    |...|           |...|
|2                  |    +---|     S    3|---+
+-------------------+        +-----------+

9 points

The three card is placed in the vertical position face up and the two card is placed face up across it to cover one of the suit symbols. (left)


The two card if placed face up vertically and the three card is placed face up across it horizontally. (right)

    +-----------+            +-----------+
    |3    S     |            |2   S      |
    |           |            |           |
    |           |            |           |
    |     S     |            |           |
+-------------------+    +-------------------+
|                  2|    |                  3|
|                   |    |                   |
|S                 S|    |S       S         S|
|                   |    |                   |
|2                  |    |3                  |
+-------------------+    +-------------------+

Comentary on alternative scoring styles

I have seen only the variants on the right. However, during my research for this node I encountered both styles. There are also methods of scoring that involve 4-6 and 5-5. During my high school and college play in the United States I've only ever seen scoring with 2-3 and with the method(s) on the right side. Your milage may vary.

References: and my memory.