Many things can travel faster than light. Like any electromagnetic wave, light's speed is dependant on the medium through which it is traveling. For example, in the Rowland Institute for Science in Cambridge, a few scientists managed to get light to travel at 38 miles per hour by making a pulse of it travel through a bunch of atoms named a "Bose-Einstein condensate" that were frozen down to a chilly fifty-billionths of a degree above absolute zero. My car can go faster than that. Well, I mean, if I had a car, it could go faster than that.

Now, more interestingly, fairly recently, there was an experiment that seemed to result in catapulting light itself faster than C, which is the speed of light in a vacuum. Scientists put a pulse of light in this chamber that was filled with some special cesium gas, and the pulse was pushed to a hefty 300 times light's normal speed. Yes, this is really weird.