I bought a mouse today, along with several other computer accessories that will be essential in the following months. I have become incredibly, disgustingly intolerant of the built-in touch pad on my notebook after a lifetime of mouse usage. I thought I would be able to adjust, but I am too old to start from the beginning again.

I woke up decently early thanks to an premature bedtime that was caused by extreme exhaustion after these past few days. After catching the end of Jerry Springer (”Firey Sex Secrets Revealed!”) and sitting through an entire episode of Sally Jesse Raphael, I was too tired to watch The Price is Right. So I decided to go shopping for a few things on my “To Buy” list I started this summer for school.

First I went over to Staples and looked at their mice. Actually, I was walking down one of the aisles and a nice dude asked me if I needed help. I could have found the mice on my own, but it was easier to have him lead me there. I only had a few specifications in mind for my mouse: a scroll wheel and two buttons. My standards were not hard to meet. I found several mice that fit the bill, and some that surpassed it by far. I was attracted to the wireless one, but once I realized it required batteries I changed my mind. Too much maintenance. I decided I should shop around a bit before settling on one mouse, so I headed over to Wal Mart. It was painful.

I have a lot of friends who work at Wal Mart. All of them except one (Norman) are asian. Norman is black. I found him working a register, and hung out there for a bit before venturing off into the electronics department. He told me Bobby, a mutual friend, was working in the lawn care section and was most likely busy getting a wicked tan instead of being productive. I didn’t doubt it. I eventually asked someone where the mouses were, and began my search amidst the cluttered mess that is Wal Mart.

The mouse I purchased is very small, black, and made by Belkin. It fits in the palm of my hand nicely, although that is not a useful feature considering one does not use a mouse by holding it in the palm of one’s hand. It is definitely cute, though. I also got some disks and a surge protector, as well as a plain back mouse pad that cost a little under two bucks.

I also visited Debby & Company, an arts and crafts/children/miscellaneous Hallmark store. While I was busy looking at the Hello Kitty display, two girls were holding a deep and meaningful conversations to my left. They were both probably about 11 or 12 years old. They were talking about how cute everything would be if Hello Kitty wasn’t on it. I nearly offered to fight them over it. Hello Kitty is a childhood and current collection I have. Badtz Maru is a lesser but almost equally cute character. I ended up buying two pens for a total of almost nine dollars. Of course they were worth every cent.

Upon my return home, I ordered pizza for my brother and his friends and breadsticks for myself, all from Papa John’s. Adam and I ran over to a friend’s house for a little while in order for him to complete some business. My friend gave me a couple hundred dollars towards the car I sold to him a little while ago. In turn, I attempted to fix his back. But alas, it was not to be helped.

I slept for a few hours after consuming my breadsticks. My dad woke me up with a large oreo cookie blizzard from Captain Sundae. It was delicious, but made me quite ill. I can’t decide if the ice cream was worth the pain it caused.

Now I am off to bed and due to call Aaron, who is in St. Louis for some sort of business meeting where all the people who are interested pay money to learn about some new product. Not something I was too interested in.
