Is there really a “gravity shortage”?

Disturbingly, the answer may be yes, according to physicists at Stanford University. Research by physicists Pisin Chen and Paul Rosen indicates that, in general, the earth is exerting significantly less gravitational force than it was when gravity was first measured and quantified in the 1920s by Kaluza and Klein. While Kaluza and Klein’s methods were primitive by today’s standards, their measurements deviate enough from Chen and Rosen’s recent survey of variance in the earth’s gravitational field that it seems gravity has reduced by somewhere in the neighbourhood of 6% in the last 70 years. Interestingly, gravity does seem to have increased slightly nearer to the earth’s north and south (geologic) poles, but in most other locations, measurements indicate reductions of from 1 to 8%. Similar research is being done by physicists at numerous other institutions worldwide, with many reporting similar results, though no other studies have been completed yet.

Possible causes of the gravity shortage

Chen and Rosen posit that it is possible that friction of the earth against the solar wind could actually be causing the radiation of Higgs-bosons into the earth itself, thus increasing the voltaic potential of “heavy atoms” and causing eddies of weakly-interacting massive particles. Stochastic electrodynamic theory predicts that such particles in these conditions would cause “localised states of displaced mass” thus curving the vectors of gravitation so that the overall gravitational force, viewed macroscopically, is weakened. “We want to emphasize that our speculations on the cause of the so-called ‘gravity shortage’ are just that,” Chen clarified in a statement to the press June 03, 2002. “We don’t really know what could be causing it, but we are fairly certain there is in fact a lessening of gravitational force local to the earth.” Some physicists think that the gravity shortage may be caused by a loss of actual physical material from inside the earth. The earth’s super-heated core, or ‘mantle’, could be in the process of being subsumed into a tiny black hole in the very centre. This matter could then re-emerge in the centre of the sun to contribute to its ongoing thermonuclear reaction, thus increasing its heat, mass, and presence of various gravity-related particles. An increase in the sun’s gravity, while as yet unconfirmed, would tend to “use up” available gravity in the immediate area, decreasing the gravitational force exerted by other nearby planetary bodies and cosmic debris; however, the effect would be likely most noticeable on earth, as combined with the negative-gravitational effect of the overall lost mass.

What would life be like without gravity?

Life on earth without any gravity at all would be impossible, as without gravity, the earth would no longer retain the air and water that are necessary for our survival. While it is unlikely that the earth will ever be entirely without gravity, the less gravity we have the more of our precious air, water, and other natural resources will disappear into the vacuum of outer space. As gravity decreases, people will become taller and more spindly. If the gravity levels become too low, rain may not fall all the way to the ground before evaporating, which would clearly be disastrous for farming. There are any number of ill effects from the loss of gravity, some of which haven’t even been conceived of yet.

What can be done about the gravity shortage?

When possible, it is advisable to stay at ground level. If it is necessary to venture to a building’s higher floors, it is strongly recommended that you not use water or flush toilets. Pumping water above the earth’s surface and then using gravity to return it is one of the most significant wastes of gravity known.

Here are some other ways we can reduce our gravity consumption:

Don’t lift or lower heavy objects, it should be obvious this is a waste of gravity.
Carry helium balloons when possible.
Take elevators up, take stairs down. Walking down stairs uses 12% less gravity than walking up them, and a whopping 71% less than taking the elevator down!
Using roller skates is a great way to eliminate unnecessary foot-lifting due to walking.

Any other ideas to reduce the amount of gravity we consume, and extend the life of gravity on earth, would be welcome. This is clearly one of the most significant crises we face as a planet.