Hello, I am as blank as a a fart.
There is a certain thing, let's call it "it"
There is also a certain person let's call him "him"
and another person call her "her"
Together they comprise a "them"
Are they out to get me? That remains to be seen.
And what is it? That also remains to be seen.
As for me I just wish I could forget the whole thing. It seems to me like a bad dream from which I may never awaken. And if I did I'm not so sure I would be any better off. I may have a headache. And I'm sure I would have to pee and I would probably be late for work. No question about it.
The 48 laws of powerGiant killer robots engage in radar sex!I am serving up and weildering triple secret fat ass flaming wisdoms, shit aint availing you, lamers of Edom!Getting to know you noders fucking sucked