In most literature centered on animals (and in most other animalistic creations including drama and film) the badger is given one of two treatments: either as the brave and fierce protector, or as the grumpy old codger.

Since most badgers are indeed fierce fighters in nature and most badgers are also exceptionally defensive in one sense or another, these two roles are hardly surprising choices. Either the badger-as-hero is defending the Good Guys or otherwise helping the plot... or the badger-as-grouch is prodding the main characters along, biting at the paw that feeds it, and essentially being a nuisance. It is rare to find a badger villain, only badger not-so-good-guys.

An excellent example of the badger as protector can be found in the Redwall series, written by Brian Jacques. In this series badgers are the defenders of the 'good' animals and specifically of Redwall Abbey, around which many of the tales center. They are strong fighters, intelligent, and willing to go against any odds to help their friends and those who depend on them. A quick breakdown of the books along with more in-depth information on them can be found at

Another badger of note is found in The Wind In The Willows, a book of much older days written by Kenneth Grahame. Again, although this particular Mr. Badger is not inclined to take the fate of the world on his shoulders, he is treated as someone of strength and even morality.

The badger here is viewed as an able protector because of his (or her) ferocity and strength, and treated with respect by other animals. Although they will defend friends, they are rarely inclined to sudden tempers or the territorial behavior so delightfully protrayed by The Other Sort. Instead, their very fierce nature turns them into the Gimli of the animal kingdom, willing to take on anything and yet somehow open, nonthreatening to the reader or watcher.

A brief nod here to an opera involving badgers: is the best link for a brief overview of the delightful opera "Tobias Picker". The badger here, while certainly strong, is a rude and grouchy sort indeed.

For the most part, badgers of this sort are fiercely defensive of their holes or homes, gruff and often rude, and give off the same air as the old miner defending his gold strike. This version holds a bit closer to the behavior of actual badgers, which are one of the worst animals on the planet to attempt to pet.

The standard grouchy badger is described using words such as 'bristly' or 'scruffy', rarely friendly terms. In classic grouch tradition they can be relied upon for snarled commentary on any immediate circumstance and certainly on anyone foolish enough to stick a paw in their personal space. Frequently the codger sort is used as comic relief, bouncing out and snarking at anyone within range.