"If you can't think, and your feet stink, you need Zinc."

This old saying tells of a couple of symptoms of low zinc levels. Zinc is important in helping the absorption and the metabolism of vitamins and carbohydrates. It is found especially in the reproductive organs and defieciency may slow growth or even cause infertility.

By eating a balanced diet your zinc intake should be adequate, as it is found in meat, wholegrains, nuts, seeds, green vegetables, milk, eggs and oysters.

Zinc has been found to alleviate acne in some cases.

Taking more zinc than your system requires, for example, 150mgs per day for 6 weeks or so, may cause weakening of the immune system, and over 200 mgs per day may cause collapse. If you are taking a dosage of zinc at more than 15 mg per day it is advised not to take within 1 hour of food.