Today was the best day of my life so far. I spent nearly the whole day with Sara. From lunch onward we were together for almost all of the time. We had lunch for about 2 hours, then she spent some time at the office helping us fold up newsletters. Afterwards we spent about four hours at Ann's apartment just hanging around. We had food at a decent restaurant, and then we went to a laser show down in Miami at midnight. It's the most time I've ever spent with her in a day (over 12 hours). I feel so much more comfortable with her now than ever before. I crossed new boundaries with her today that I've always been afraid to before.

I don't even know where to begin on what I learned about her today (or this week for that matter). Everything about her is perfect and couldn't be improved one bit. She loves nature and science. She has the most beautiful brown eyes. She looks good in any clothes. Her voice is soothing and feminine. She is patient and attentive, apologetic even when giving, and caring even while needing.

I wish I could take a snapshot of this day and replay it over and over again.