Sometimes I'm really not in the mood to do a daylog, but I've not missed a day yet since I started a few months ago, so I'm not starting now. I guess the reason why I don't feel like writing them lately is that not much new is happening to me. I was really doing a lot back when I started, then Sara came into my life and things were reaching a climax, then boom. Disaster. I've been a bit mellow since then, I suppose. But this week I've been picking up again. I'm back to listening to loud hate music and generally being in a good mood most of the time. I've been back to taking Kava Kava daily as well though. I wonder if it's that which is causing my positive mood.

Today was only mildly interesting. I ran into CR's x-girlfriend (who is also one of Sara's best friends, I'll just call her Ann) today as I was leaving college to go to work. We talked for about 40 minutes just standing in the parking lot. She's an interesting person who seems to be keeping busy. So many people seem to be able to be so busy; I need to figure out how to find things to do other than to come home and mash at the keyboard.

I gave Ann the Valentine's day gift that I made for Sara, since she would be seeing her later on today. I didn't mention that I spent over three hours making it :)

I got into work at around 2:30, did some custom coding for a demo, and then left with TC at 6:30. Short day, eh? Wow.. I should really try and stay there more so I can get some long-term projects done. Today's a quasi-holiday though, so I felt justified in leaving early.