Very tired today. I didn't get much done, if anything. We went to Hops for lunch and got the $5 burger special. TC was tired also, we're thinking that maybe the flu shots are catching up with us (must... shop... for presents). She and JS went home early, but I stuck around until about 7:40pm.
I went to the gym for about 35 mins and burned 350 calories. Didn't have much trouble today, but I'm tired so I didn't do any weight training stuff.
Hungry. More to come after dinner...
9:29 PM
I got up at 5:30 this morning to try to see the space station fly over. It was quite cold out, but it was also cloudy and I saw nothing. Bah. Maybe that's why I was so tired today, interrupting my sleep like that to go out in the cold.
1:11 AM
I remotely fixed our web server at work, which needed restarting. I hate java. And I'm not even the one who writes the java code. How do I get stuck with this? Because I care. Damn my conscience.
I spent a bunch of time on IRC tonight. Talked to some of my friends/co-workers there. I'm currently logged into three channels on three IRC networks. Good thing I have a second computer, because flipping all those screens on one monitor would be a chore.
Well, the sprinklers have started and it's time for sleep. Not a very eventful day, but it wasn't too bad.