"The world's first circular office building", is located on Vine Street, just off Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles and has been home to the purveyors of The Beatles, The Beach Boys, Pink Floyd, Frank Sinatra etc, etc since 1954. There is a story that claims that Nat King Cole suggested the unusual shape of the building, which is said to represent a stack of records, with a stylus perched on top.

One thing that is true about this landmark of Hollywood entertainment world domination is that the little red light on top of the building flashes the word "Hollywood" in Morse Code on an infinite loop. The loop has been interrupted only once since Samuel Morse's granddaughter switched it on in 1956 and that was to change to message to "Capitol 50" to celebrate Capitol Records' 50th Aniversary in 1992. In 1993 the light returned to sublimanally urging airplane pilots to listen to Capitol Records' artists instead of the drab airtraffic controllers.