I just finished The Longest Journey. It was so great. I missed classes because of it, and may fail a test. It was worth it though. I got so involved in it that I kind of lost track of the rest of my life.

Some instances of my obsessive game playing: Ben didn't want to call because he knew I would be playing while he was talking; D said that I don't react to things the way I normally do when I am playing, so he didn't want to joke around with me; I was supposed to be writing a paper and a case and studying for two tests this weekend but all I did was play the game. Damn. Lucky I did not grow up in an environment where crack was readily available.

Now I am very busy... I have to catch up on all the things I put off while playing. I have to clean up my room, it is covered with clean and dirty laundry , papers, a bunch of cups and mugs, photos disks, pens, shopping bags and books. I just ignored everything while playing; Now I can see it all and it looks like a madhouse. I have a long, long night ahead of me.

No regrets. It was fun. Now I have to pay for that fun.