The only place in the sport of rowing for a loner. Every other event in rowing can be referred to as crew, but only one rower powers the shell in this one man boat.

Weighing a bit less than 30 pounds, and only 14 inches across at its widest point, a single scull is a 27 foot long needle which takes extreme skill and practice to balance. Pertti Karpinnen, the great Finnish sculler, won three straight Olympic golds in the single, in Montreal, Moscow, and Los Angeles.

Jack Kelly, both Senior and Junior, were great rowers, representing the United States at the Olympic Games in 1924 and 1956, respectively. Jack Kelly, Sr., was married to Princess Grace Kelly, and was denied the right to race in the prestigious Henley-on-Thames Royal Regatta because he had once worked as a bricklayer. Jack Jr. won the Diamond Sculls on behalf of his father in the 1950s.